Coachella. Was. Amazing. I don't even know where to begin. It's hard to describe the experience.
We drove to Palm Desert on Thursday night. As we were navigating our way through the mountain passes, we noticed that a stream of headlights were following us, making all the same turns. It was then that we realized that this was a pilgrimage of sorts.
We got to the condo around 11:30 pm. We stocked up the fridge with a 30-rack of Coors Light, a 12-pack of Stella, bloody mary mix, vodka, orange juice, milk, eggs...the works. We were exhausted from the day of traveling and we knew that we had a big day ahead of us, so we went to bed soon after that.
Walking into the festival for the first time (after standing in a 2-hour line to go through security), we really had no idea what to expect. Everyone there looked like they just stepped out of an Urban Outfitters catalog. After a few minutes of traversing through a swarm of people, everybody started to look exactly the same. Nobody stood out. When I became aware of this, it dawned upon me: Coachella is a place where anything goes. I started doing cartwheels.
120-something bands and artists were performing at the festival. We caught about 5-7 shows a day. Here are my Top 5 favorite performances:
1. Major Lazer
Why? Out-of-control, non-stop energy. I felt like a dancing zombie. Was extremely sore the next day.2. Passion Pit
Why? They performed on the first day right as the sun was setting over the mountains. It was definitely emotional. 3. She & Him
Why? Because it made me want to be famous and because of their killer cover of "I put a spell on you". 4. Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros
Why? It was a truly genuine performance.
They looked like they were having the time of their lives. Their backdrop (a painting of the Emerald City without the poppies) was pretty cool too.
5. Phoenix
Why? Because their performance surprised me. I didn't think they would be that good live.I took around 850 pictures this weekend, so obviously I can't share them all. Here are a few of my favorites:

This past weekend was truly the time of my life. It changed my outlook on a lot of things - from how I listen to music, to how I think and feel about life in general, if you can believe that. I am still digesting everything and recovering from a serious deprivation of sleep, but I feel so lucky and blessed, especially to have had experienced it all with Noel and Morgan.
I might just have to make this an annual tradition...