Still trying to get back in the swing of things. The past couple of weeks, I've been eating too much sugar, smoking/drinking too much, and staying up super late for days in a row. I guess that's what the holidays can do to a person.
Now, I don't really believe in making resolutions - in my opinion, it's just setting yourself up for failure. However, when you manage to get sick twice in one month, you really need to need to take a step back and start making some lifestyle changes. I really shouldn't be smoking anymore. It's a nasty habit. And it wouldn't hurt if I started exercising - not to lose weight or anything, but just to be release some endorphins every once in awhile.
Anyway, I hit up my usual thrifting spots today. I convinced Noel to come with me this time and I think he actually enjoyed himself!
One of my favorite finds of the day was this set of glazed stoneware canisters from 1978. The largest canister is unfortunately missing its lid, but the illustrations were just so pretty I had to snag em. I could always use it for a planter after all:

Next up, some more "flower power" plates, as I like to call them. I really love the whole mismatched look. I think that if I owned a restaurant, none of the dishes would match. So much more fun that way!
Came across an outstanding number of old, beat-up clipboards today. I've always been attracted to the clean and simple design of a clipboard but could never think of what to do with a collection of them... until today! Sadly, the clipboards were left behind as I didn't come up with this idea until after I got home. It's like coming up with a comeback 10 minutes too late. So frustrating. Anyway, here's the idea (which apparently, has already been

A clipboard frame inspiration wall of sorts! Duh. I would want to use more ragged clipboards though, like these beauties from moxie thrift:
Hope you all had a nice Wednesday!
I'm gonna try to get to bed early tonight. I refuse to be sick (again).