The past couple nights in a row, I have been exercising my culinary skills. On Monday night, I made vegetable and tofu enchiladas (that turned out delicious, if I may say so myself), and last night, I devised a sort of corn chowder recipe (which I accidentally put too much pepper in so renamed it "peppercorn chowder"). I love finding recipes online for things I have never made before, then adding/subtracting more/less of an ingredient (or adding an entirely new ingredient). Cooking is just like anything creative, be it painting, sewing, playing music, or even getting dressed in the morning- there are no rules. Sometimes, it's hard to get out of this mindset that advises against wearing black with brown, or following a certain song structure when composing music, but when you play the role of the creator, you can do anything you want. There is no right or wrong.
Lately, I have really been into wearing vintage. There is something so special about wearing something with some history. It has a story to tell. The problem is, it's really difficult to uncover the real vintage treasures. It seems that your run-of-the-mill thrift store like Salvation Army and Goodwill is all picked over, and the nicer, more up-scale vintage stores have ridiculously overpriced items. I've decided that I'm going to start looking on Ebay.
I go back to Boulder in a little over 2 weeks. Summers keep flying by faster and faster every year. Some of the highlights of my summer were...

Seeing shows at the Belly Up Tavern. Saw M83 & Blitzen Trapper. This picture was taken at 80's night, covers of great 80's tunes.
Solana Beach Bonfires that sometimes would last until 3:30 in the morning.
Open mic nights at 1st Street Bar in Encinitas.
Camping in Santa Barbara with first time there!
Fireworks at the country club for 4th of July.
Paying $1 to see "Hercules", the biggest horse in the world, at the Del Mar Fair. Definitely the most value I've ever gotten out of a dollar. This guy was HUGE!
Line-dancing at Mo's in Hillcrest with a bunch of gay men!
There is a part of me that is always sad to leave San Diego. I don't like leaving my family and my boyfriend (not to mention the gorgeous weather), but at the same time, I'm excited to go back to Boulder. I really like living by myself there and being on my own. Plus, all my friends are there. This is going to be my last year there. I can't believe that it will be 4 years since I first came to Boulder. It feels like yesterday I was moving into the dorms. It took me a long time to get situated and to feel comfortable. At such a big school, it is easy to lose yourself. When you realize that you have lost your sense of self, it's almost a helpless feeling. You miss the person that you used to be. 3 years later, I am finally happy there. I figure that there is no use in wasting your time being unhappy, you can always find a piece of happiness wherever you are and whatever you are doing.
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