I guess I should tell you why I bought a backpack and waterproof hiking shoes. I'm going to Israel on Birthright with my cousin Dani and backpacking through Europe afterward (specifically, France, Italy, Spain, and Amsterdam). We will be gone from the end of June until early August. I will be bringing my computer with me on the trip and blogging overseas about our adventures (haven't decided yet if I will start an additional "travel blog" or if I will just continue using this one).
Packing for the trip shall be quite the endeavor... especially since I have never traveled in this manner before (only bringing a backpack). On a trip like this where we will be moving around a lot, I want to pack light of course. However, I also want to retain some level of style. It's Europe, after all. If any traveling fashionistas out there have any packing tips, I would love to hear them.
Saw Miike Snow at the Belly Up last night and in other news, some critical eBay auctions end today (when I say critical, I mean that they are critical for my wardrobe). Will post pictures of my winnings later.
And now, here is a picture of a cat with a whale in its mouth:

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