Just added some great housewares and accessories to the shop! And remember, domestic shipping is free until the end of the month with coupon code "TISTHESEASON"!
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Baby it's cold outside
I finally have my life back - the best Christmas present a Jew could ask for...
I've been working full-time for the past couple of weeks - something that I am not used to in the slightest. Man, I feel so badly for everyone out there that has the 9-5 schedule 5 days a week. Really not fun. Not fun at all actually.
Now for a blissful week off followed by the return of my part-time gig at the bakery. I really took my schedule for granted. Back to full-force thrifting and creative endeavors. Can't complain about that!
I've been working full-time for the past couple of weeks - something that I am not used to in the slightest. Man, I feel so badly for everyone out there that has the 9-5 schedule 5 days a week. Really not fun. Not fun at all actually.

Wishing you all a merry Christmas Eve and hoping you can all cross off the items off of your holiday wish-list tomorrow morning when you unwrap those presents that have been sitting under the tree for days (or just a couple hours in my case...just finished my Xmas shopping after work today!)
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
The most clutch clutch
Paper Snowflakes
Christmas came a little early this year... at least for me. Coming to you live from a brand new, fresh-out-of-the-box Macbook Pro! Had my old Macbook for nearly 6 years and it was simply time for a new one (my old one didn't even work unless it was plugged in and unexpectedly crashed all the time).
Pretty much in full-time holiday mode now. We got our Christmas tree this past weekend. Also had a little pre-bars paper-snow-flake-making extravaganza a few nights ago:
Monday, December 12, 2011
Free Shipping the Whole Month of December!
Phew! Just completed a massive shop update! So much good stuff! Here are some of my favorites:
Starting tonight, I will be offering FREE DOMESTIC SHIPPING on all purchases until the end of December! Just enter in the coupon code "TISTHESEASON" upon checkout :) Click here to shop now!
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Fly like Paper
little light vintage,
paper airplane,
Monday, November 28, 2011
She's got eyes on the back of her head
Crickets. It's been quiet on the old blog lately and I apologize for this. Things have been kinda crazy with Thanksgiving - working extra shifts at work, family in town, and everything that goes along with the aforementioned. It's been a great few days. All of my cousins were in San Diego for the holiday festivities. I've always had a pretty tight-knit family and I am so blessed to have such great relationships with my cousins. Now that we are all doing our own thing, it is so special when we all can get together in the same room.

Thanksgiving went really well this year. Usually, we have a giant Thanksgiving at my great-aunt's house. There are always so many people there that by the time I get to the turkey, it's already cold. One year, we actually ran out of food. This year, the family drifted off to their little sub-cliques, so Thanksgiving was much more intimate. I helped my mom with the cooking (and learned how to make squash casserole, so yummy!) The recipe is straight OG. My grandmother taught my mother and my mother taught me. I will share it eventually. Here's a pic of our turkey and our dinner table*:
(*If you're on Instagram, let's be friends! @darynmax)
There hasn't been a shop update in awhile, but I've finally gotten back into the swing of things. Here's a little sneak peek (and when I say "little", it's because I ran out of daylight to take pictures). This is really one of my favorite batches to date:
In other news, babygirl got a little crafty with the glue-gun last night (well, not really... just had some leftover googly eyes). I got eyes on the back of my head (sing to the Beatles - I get by):
This time off from work has been really great - rejuvenating really (almost). Only 2 more shifts and then it's off to Colorado on Friday to visit my very best friend in the whole wide world! This will be my first time back since I graduated almost a year and a half ago! So excited!
Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving as well. One major holiday down, one more to go!
Friday, November 11, 2011
Go Ninja Go
Not that I really need a backpack anymore, but I could always use a little more ninja power in my life. Drooling over these:

mad pax,
teenage mutant ninja turtles
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Humpday Revival
Some really great finds today, including:
The 1979 hip-hop classic, Rapper's Delight by the Sugarhill Gang on vinyl. The nearly 15-minute song was recorded in just one take! It was also the first hip-hop single to become a Top 40 hit. Talk about OG:
Speaking of classics, I also scored Esphyr Slobodkina's children's book, Caps for Sale. Growing up, this was my favorite bed-time story (runner-up: Tiki Tiki Tembo). It's about "a peddler, some monkeys, and their monkey business". It's simple, it's funny, and the illustrations are beautiful. Nothing like a good dose of nostalgia to heighten the senses:
Some old Bingo cards:
I mean, I don't know about you, but I've always wanted a t-shirt with a mermaid riding a dolphin on it:
A pretty serious macrame hanging lamp, straight out of the 70s:
This cute little suit-case; kind of busted, but loved the print too much to pass it up:
And last but not least, a plethora of flower-shaped enamel pins:
What have you found lately in your treasure-hunting adventures?
Monday, October 31, 2011
Happy Halloween!
Usually, I have the whole Halloween thing on lock months in advance. This year, however, was a bit of a challenge. I threw this little baby lamb costume together last minute and I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out.
I was going to go a different route with it and cover myself in cotton balls, but after stumbling upon this article about a man who got second-degree burns from his homemade sheep costume catching on fire, I decided against it. (If you click the link, be forewarned that there is a very graphic photo that might make you throw up in your mouth a little bit).
Needless to say, if you are making your own costume this year, really think about your materials. Yes, covering yourself in cotton balls might look pretty cool, but the risk of catching on fire is really not worth the few hours you will be wearing your costume (that is of course, unless you want to be a burn victim for Halloween every year for the rest of your life).
I hope everyone has a wonderful day! Stay safe tonight!
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Color Story: Cream and Coral
Loving these colors together. It's a summery combo (think 50/50 bars) that translates perfectly into fall (think pumpkin patch):
Left: OPI; Pinking of You and Ya'll Come Back Now Ya Hear; Right: Best in Show ribbon picture frames at SOLO on Cedros (I love that store)
Martha Streck by Asa Tallgard; Elle Russia, July 2011
Ms. Meester in Marc Jacobs
marc jacobs,
picture frame,
pussy bow
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
What's for Dinner: Turkey Brie Burgers
One of my favorite cheeses is brie, especially warm brie. I just can't resist that ooey-gooey, soft, salty goodness. Last night, we had turkey brie burgers for dinner (well I had a turkey brie burger...my anti-bread boyfriend who is on a "paleolithic diet" just had the patty). It's a quick and easy dinner that is super savory. Here's what you need to make it:
1 packet of ground turkey breast, about 1/2 of a medium-sized, white onion, brie, olive oil, and salt and pepper.
Here's what you do:
Dice the onions. In a small bowl, mix together the ground turkey, the onions, and a pinch of salt and pepper respectively.
One packet of ground turkey will yield about 4-5 patties. With your hands, make a thin disc and top with about a tablespoon of brie. Then fold another portion of the turkey mixture around the brie. The key here is to make sure the cheese is completely covered by the meat. This way, when you cook it, you'll avoid "oozage".
These are what your patties should look like more or less. As you can see, I got a little carried away with the cheese. Now, you can either throw these puppies on the grill or cook them in a large skillet. I've made them both ways, and I have to say, they turned out much better when they were grilled. However, we don't have a barbecue, so last night, they were made on top of the stove. Make sure to brush some olive oil on both sides of the patty beforehand. Cook for about 4-5 minutes and then flip. Then cover the pan and cook for about 8-10 minutes more.
In the meantime, you can throw together a salad real quick:
You can also get out some jelly (trust me). In a perfect world, I would have fig preserves in the refrigerator. But this is not a perfect world. I don't have a barbecue and I don't have fig preserves. Apricot had to suffice.
Dish it up! Forget the ketchup and instead, shmear your buns (or your Village Mill Pioneer Bread in this instance) with fig (apricot) preserves. Sounds weird, but please just go with me on this one.
Other burger garnishes to consider: arugula, green apple slices
how to make,
turkey brie burgers,
what's for dinner
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