Monday, November 28, 2011

She's got eyes on the back of her head

Crickets. It's been quiet on the old blog lately and I apologize for this. Things have been kinda crazy with Thanksgiving - working extra shifts at work, family in town, and everything that goes along with the aforementioned. It's been a great few days. All of my cousins were in San Diego for the holiday festivities. I've always had a pretty tight-knit family and I am so blessed to have such great relationships with my cousins. Now that we are all doing our own thing, it is so special when we all can get together in the same room.

Thanksgiving went really well this year. Usually, we have a giant Thanksgiving at my great-aunt's house. There are always so many people there that by the time I get to the turkey, it's already cold. One year, we actually ran out of food. This year, the family drifted off to their little sub-cliques, so Thanksgiving was much more intimate. I helped my mom with the cooking (and learned how to make squash casserole, so yummy!) The recipe is straight OG. My grandmother taught my mother and my mother taught me. I will share it eventually. Here's a pic of our turkey and our dinner table*:


(*If you're on Instagram, let's be friends! @darynmax)

There hasn't been a shop update in awhile, but I've finally gotten back into the swing of things. Here's a little sneak peek (and when I say "little", it's because I ran out of daylight to take pictures). This is really one of my favorite batches to date:







In other news, babygirl got a little crafty with the glue-gun last night (well, not really... just had some leftover googly eyes). I got eyes on the back of my head (sing to the Beatles - I get by):


This time off from work has been really great - rejuvenating really (almost). Only 2 more shifts and then it's off to Colorado on Friday to visit my very best friend in the whole wide world! This will be my first time back since I graduated almost a year and a half ago! So excited!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving as well. One major holiday down, one more to go!

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