When it comes to thrifting, you have your good days and you have your bad days.
Today, this week was very,
very good. Here's why:
1. Three fabulous hats:

2. Four snap-button Western shirts for my mayun for .50 cents a pop!

3. This beautiful white eyelet dress:

Check out the buttons in the back on this beauty:

4. These cut-offs. (I guess good things came in 4's this week!)
Like my DIY scalloped shorts? Check out this super easy no-sew tutorial to make your own!
And yes, I finally tracked down those American flag cut-off Levis shorts that I've been drooling over for at least a year (at Kobey's swap meet of all places). There they were, just sitting on top of a big pile of clothes. I didn't even have to dig for them (like I had to for the Western shirts). I was so excited when I saw them, but if there's anything I've learned from watching American Pickers, it's to not show your cards. I casually picked them up and briefly inspected them for holes,stains, and/or tears. There weren't any. I was even more excited, but I had to keep my poker face on. I draped them over my arm and continued browsing for a few minutes until I couldn't take it anymore - I had to own these shorts and I had to own them now.
I couldn't wait to start the negotiating process with the vendor. "How much are you thinking on these?" I asked. (You see, instead of asking "How much are these", you have to ask, "How much are you thinking on these". This phrasing automatically sets you up for non-awkward negotiating.)
"Oh, those?" the vendor began (as he looked me up and down). "Those belong with you. You can have them for a dollar."
Being a girl also helps in getting what you want for the price that you want. All you have to do is smile.
OK, where were we?
Ah, yes,
5. This 80s prom dress:

6. Another little girl's sailor dress (I just can't help myself):
7. A pastel plaid button-down with a peter-pan collar. Bliss. Wore it yesterday (and today too):

8. Last but not least:
The holy grail. Fourteen words: Size-Seven-and-a-Half-FRYE-Banana-Leather-Campus-Boots-For-Under-Twenty-Dollars. Holy shit. Really?
How did I luck out so hard this week??
I guess when it rains, it pours!
Have a lovely evening!
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