Sunday, August 23, 2009

Goals and Determinations for a New Year

Those of you who know me might know that there is more than one "new year" for me, but four rather:

1) January 1st
2) Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year, even though I'd hardly consider myself religious)
3) April 23rd (my birthday)
4) The first day of a new school year

Having numerous new years is beneficial because it allows you to make mistakes and start anew more than once during the actual year. Since the first day of a new school year looms upon us (I start classes tomorrow), I wanted to share with you some of my goals and determinations:

1) Study more - this includes keeping up with readings and assignments, spending more time in the library, starting to study earlier for exams, and avoiding procrastination (easier said than done however).

2) Party less.

3) Cut down on smoking.

4) Get myself to bed to bed earlier - before 1 AM on weekdays and before 3 AM on weekends. (The 4'o'clock hour terrifies me for some reason.)

5) Don't skip classes, except for legitimate reasons. Being too tired to wake up isn't an excuse. Hopefully, the previous mentioned goal will aid in this resolution.

6) Make it to the gym at least 3 times a week. I need to strengthen my core muscles because I keep throwing my back out every couple of months and I think this would help to keep me walking upright on more of a regular basis.

7) Play more music, preferably start writing my own stuff. I've been saying that I'm going to do this for such long time now, but I think that my time has come.

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