Saturday, May 1, 2010

Yesterday afternoon, the clock struck 1:50, marking the end of the last class of my college career. Aside from 2 finals and a 10-page paper, my college years have come to a close. It's pretty hard to believe considering it felt like just yesterday when I was moving into the dorms.

My parents, grandparents, and boyfriend are coming out this Wednesday for my graduation. There are actually going to be two ceremonies: one on Thursday evening that is specific to the psychology department, and one at 7:30 in the morning the next day including all of the majors.

I booked my one-way ticket back to San Diego for May 13th. My days are severely numbered in Boulder. Surprisingly, I don't feel as sad as I thought I was going to feel. Boulder is not a town you can stay in forever, and as far as I'm concerned, I've milked this town dry. Of course there will be a few things that I will miss about living in Boulder and the college lifestyle in general such as being able to walk everywhere, pizza at 2 in the morning, living less than a block away from a liquor store and a coffee shop, how clean the air is here, the Flatirons, and of course, the friends I have made over the years.

Then again, there are some things I will definitely not miss at all about college and Boulder: the Greenpeace people that stand on the corners asking for donations, the winters/the lack of warmth/wearing UGG boots and Northface jackets, homework/tests/quizzes/lectures, popcorn ceilings, Greek life, people that ask me for cigarettes outside of the UMC, and the "Spare change" guy.

Now that summer is around the corner, I will leave you with the perfect summer track:

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