Sunday, November 1, 2009

It's Just a Bunch of Hocus Pocus

My Facebook newsfeed has turned into a Halloween party! It's been fun checking out what everyone was for Halloween last night (and the night before). I did, in fact, put my Sherlylock Holmes costume to use on Friday night. This time, I stayed on my feet and off of the ground. Sadly, however, I lost my magnifying glass that night. It seemed that it was National Hangover Day yesterday least in the town of Boulder anyway. I guess that's what happens when Halloween falls on a Saturday. It was hard to muster up any amount of energy to go out again last night, but after watching Hocus Pocus and drinking a few glasses of spiked apple cider, I got more into the Halloween Spirit.

The first time I saw Hocus Pocus was in Kindergarden I believe. All I remember is that it scared the shit out of me the first time I saw it...I hesitantly admit the fact that years later, I still get scared whenever I watch it.

I decided that for Halloween '09, I would be a mime. All in all, I was pleased with my costume, although I'd often forget throughout the course of the night that I had painted my face and whenever I caught a glimpse of myself in a mirror or a reflective surface, I got a little startled. Here are a few photos:

My two favorite costumes I saw last night on the streets of Boulder were Powdered Toast Man (from Ren & Stimpy) and a Jellyfish. The most repeated or abundant costume I saw was either Max from Where the Wild Things Are or Kanye West wearing a Taylor Swift T-shirt toting around a box of fish-sticks.

It's strange to think that this was my last Halloween in Boulder...I can't believe that there are only 5 weeks left before beginning the last semester of my collegiate life. I have a feeling that from here on out (since the time always seems to fly by after Halloween), I'm going to be measuring a lot of events in terms of "my last". I'm not exactly sure how I feel about that yet. There is a part of me that is so anxious to be done with it all and to just move on with my life, but deep down, I know that things aren't going to magically change as soon as I graduate. Change is a process. Of course it's bittersweet. I have met so many people here and I'm not going to see most of them ever again. I am also starting to feel a sense of mild panic and shock because this is finally starting to feel real and it is forcing to me to face what I have been trying to avoid for awhile: my future. Then, I start thinking about this thing they call responsibility. Luckily, I have a few more months before I have to fully embrace this plethora of feelings I have begun to experience and try to make some sense out of it all.


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